Cocoon 24x30cm, dry pastel on pastel mat


The wolf hour. 60x42cm, charcoal & graphite

Andra sidan, 11x28cm, charcoal & graphite

Blickfånget 28x10,3cm, charcoal & graphite

Andra sidan II 21x29,7cm, charcoal & graphite

Childhood dreams 41x47,5cm, charcoal & graphite

A butterfly state of mind 42x60cm, charcoal & graphite

Drömmaren 21x29,7, charcoal & graphite

Untitled 21x29,7, graphite


Emma 42x29,7cm, graphite

Portraits, 25x25cm, charcoal & graphite

Som en är II 21x29,7cm, graphite

Féminité immortelle 42x29,7, charcoal & graphite


En blick 21x29,7cm, charcoal & graphite

En dröm i en sång 29,7x42cm, graphite

Marianne II 29,7x42cm, charcoal & graphite

Ljus 29,7x42cm, charcoal & graphite

Här inne finns bara jaget 24,5x36cm, graphite

Där ute blåser vinden 72x50cm, graphite